Social Media can help your business grow

“I don’t tweet and I don’t have any friends on Facebook. That stuff is a waste of time. I’m trying to run a business” roared the Lion. “While all that might be true said the Owl. The reality is that social media is increasingly becoming important in business. Look at how your customers interact and check-in when they come to your restaurant on Foursquare or look at how they post feedback on your competition’s Facebook page. Don’t miss out on the trend.”

Lesson: This tip is from “Why Social Media is a Big Factor for the Growth of Your Business” by Sheine Austria. It is featured on Rescue a CEO. “The trend of today’s business world is being social. Reaching out to your potential market is something that any business owner should strive for. This brings about awareness towards your company, and innovation within your products.”

Image courtesy of jannoon028 /

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