14 Reasons Why SEO Is Still The Best Marketing Strategy for Local Businesses

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a way to get “free” or “organic” placement on search engines for targeted keywords. For local business, visibility is important and often business owners want to increase their visibility in order to rank for keywords that people search for on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. When potential customers search for local business like a personal trainer or a dentist or a plumber, they go to search engines like Google. With the help of our Outreach Mama, here’s 14 reasons why SEO is the the best marketing strategy for local businesses.

  1. It works
  2. It’s affordable
  3. Improves credibility
  4. Not investing en SEO can damage your rankings
  5. Mobile search is becoming more prevalent
  6. SEO doubles as a marketing research tool
  7. SEO provides massive ROI
  8. SEO is low maintenance after the first year
  9. It’s easy to outsource
  10. SEO generates consistent leads
  11. SEO makes it easy to convert those leads
  12. Improving SEO will improve User Experience
  13. SEO gives you a competitive advantage
  14. SEO is not going anywhere


Design was created by Outreachmama

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