Harrison: What advice would you share with up-and-coming entrepreneurs?
Westergren: The best piece of advice I ever got was from my wife, which was “Don’t be self-conscious about being an entrepreneur.” I think most successful companies go through some kind of trial by fire. During that time, you’re borrowing — you’re borrowing people’s time, you’re borrowing goodwill, you’re borrowing money. You’re begging and borrowing. And that can begin to make you feel self-conscious, feel like you’re failing or that you’re a leech.
It takes a lot to stay committed, and I think a big part of that is accepting that, “Okay, I signed up for this. I’m building a company, and part of building a company is that I have to borrow.” I think that’s one of the big hurdles for entrepreneurs, to stick with it when you feel like you made a big mistake.
Read the entire post here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-small-business/when-we-were-small-pandora/2015/02/06/11ad75f4-ad5c-11e4-9c91-e9d2f9fde644_story.html?tid=sm_tw