In Business Repair Relationships

An ant was walking by the river ever so carefully when it accidentally fell in. The dove saw that the ant was struggling in the water and looked for a twig to throw down to the ant. The ant managed to grab the twig and float on it until it reached the shore. Once the ant landed on shore, he felt happy that the dove that was passing by had stopped to help him. Just as the ant was walking away, he saw a hunter getting ready to shoot the dove down. Just as the hunter was about to shoot, the ant went and stung the hunter as hard as he could. The hunter missed the dove and the dove flew away safe.

Lesson: You never know who could end up helping you one day. We often get in arguments and conflicts with customers or coworkers. While most of the time these arguments pass on, some can linger and be detrimental to our business. It is important to mend these relationships as you never know what the future holds for you. When you have conflict with others, you burn those bridges.

The same people you may have struggled with in your past could present themselves again in the future. This is why repairing relationships is so important in business. Those people you once had conflict with could benefit your business in the future. Should you have left the conflict as is, they can hurt you in the future. Helping others can be a way to secure your future. When you help others achieve their dreams, they will be more supportive of you later on. Even if you have things going on and cannot be of much assistance, always do as much as possible to help one another. You will be more successful by doing this. You never know when you will need help from one of these people. 

Image courtesy of photostock /

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