Add Value to Clients

Over years the Flamingo ran her lemonade stand and worked hard to ensure that each customer had an enjoyable experience. Her intern, the Frog one day asked the Flamingo, “How do you continue to grow despite the tough economy? How’s that possible when every other lemonade stand is struggling?”

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The Flamingo thought and simply said, “Well, I just add value. While those other businesses are struggling, I make sure that my business is valuable to clients. You might just see this as a lemonade stand, but one customer sees it as a place to listen to music and enjoy a snack during lunch. A business man might see it as a place to work on his computer. A lonely customer might come for the good conversation. At the end of the day, I just make sure that every client has a great experience every time they walk through my doors.”

Lesson: Today business is difficult and competitive and entrepreneurs and business owners need to remember that customers and clients are more conscious about where they are spending their money. If you want to grow a strong and stable business, be sure to add some type of value to clients and customers. 

Image courtesy of photoexplorer /

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