How to Diversify Your Talent Pool

Bringing new people into your organization can change your business for the better.  It’s easy to evaluate candidates and choose individuals with relevant work history, but this practice does not help to bring new ideas into your business.  Consider selecting a leader with a different background than you would normally consider. Individuals with different experiences will help your company to be more innovative and stay ahead of the pack.  One way to diversify your company is to hire from a variety of age groups.

Todd Taylor, Partner at Heidrick & Struggles, an executive search firm, explains, “‘For the first time ever, we are soon going to have four generational cohort groups working at the same time. People from Gen X, Gen-Y and very soon a new cohort of post-Millenials each interact and network very differently than Baby Boomers…’”  With all of the different generations working together in one company, mentorships will prove to be imperative.  Experienced employees have a wealth of knowledge to offer new hires, and new employees are full of fresh ideas that they can’t wait to share—both can benefit from this relationship.

This video is contributed by Heidrick & Struggles, a global executive search firm headquartered in Chicago.  It specializes in executive search services, executive leadership consulting, and culture shaping.

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