Whale was excited and ready with his idea to open a new business. The only problem was that he knew, without a doubt, that running a business alone was more stress than he could handle with his other duties. Asking around he realized that she best solution for this problem would be to find a great business partner. Someone to equally shoulder some of the responsibility. By finding a great business partner through local resources, Whale was up and running with his business in a matter of months and no longer worried about having to carry all the burden on his own.
Lesson: This lesson is inspired by the Hearpreneur Post “Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Advice“
Gresham W. Harkless Jr.https://iamgresh.comGresham “Gresh” W. Harkless Jr. is the founder of CBNation and Blue 16 Media. CBNation is a Business to Business (B2B) Brand focusing on increasing the business success rate by providing visibility and resources for CEOs, entrepreneurs and business owners. CBNation consists of blogs (CEOBlogNation.com), podcasts (CEOPodcasts.com) and videos (CBNation.tv). Blue 16 Media is a digital marketing agency providing digital marketing services including web design & SEO to small to medium-sized businesses and organizations. Central to his marketing philosophy is that You Are a Media Company: Developing a Marketing Strategy to Connect with Your Target and Reach Your Goals. Gresham is proud a graduate of Howard University & Georgetown University. He also is a graduate of the 2020 Leadership Center for Excellence Young Professionals Program ’16 and recognized by the Alexandria Virginia Chamber of Commerce’s 40 Under 40.