If You’re Not Prepared to Wait and Learn, Hire an Expert

Owl was ready to get his branding in gear. He had been to the library reading up about how to best brand a business. There were articles pinned to the walls of his office and books piled on the desk. There was little doubt in his mind that he could brand his business in such a smooth, quick way that his competition would be blown away. Sadly for Owl, his enthusiasm did not couple with patience. When things weren’t moving fast enough for his liking, Owl grew upset. He felt all this waiting around was causing him more money and more pain. One evening he finally decided that he could be patient no more with the branding and hired a professional to help create a business brand for his company. Now instead of wasting his small patience on branding he could focus his effort on other areas.

Lesson: This lesson is inspired by the Rescue a CEO Post “To Hire or Not to Hire – Should You Bring a Branding Professional Aboard?

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Creative Internal Branding Exercises

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