When Potential Clients Demand It

After a year of working hard Sheep found some solid success. Her product was selling very well locally and in different areas surrounding hers. Now and again she would get a message from a customer across the big pond asking if there was a way they could take advantage of her product. There was no product they knew of locally and hers was the best they had found! After this, more customers began requested her product. Knowing she had a market of customers who truly needed her product far away, Sheep decided it was time to broaden her business border and provide her product all over.

Lesson: This lesson is inspired by the Rescue a CEO Post “Entrepreneurs Offer Advice on When You Should Doing Business Internationally

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Definitely sounds like the best way to handle. Maximize and perfect local first and then broaden. Going to broad to fast in the beginning doesn’t give SMB’s good appreciation of customer value. Like this post concept!


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