You Need A Business Model

“He’s just a hustler” said the Bear. As he watched Fox move from venture to venture with no idea how to make money. As he pulled his cubs aside, he said, “I’ve been in business for years and you have to understand that when you’re in business one of the most vital things to take into account is the business model. That’s why Fox is bouncing around from venture to venture. He hasn’t though about how he should make money.” His children nodded while they listened. He continued, “if you don’t or aren’t making money, you’re not in business.”

Related Post: Business Model Generation

Lesson: Pay attention to your business model. Business Model Generation defines the business model shows “the logic of how a company intends to make money.” It “describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value.” Business Model Generation describes it through nine basic building blocks that these areas of business: customers, offer, infrastructure and financial viability. “The business model is like a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented through organizational structures, processes, and systems. 

Image courtesy of Hal Brindley /

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